Title: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: grunaldo on 18 March 2013, 19:34 Human
Str 16 > 28 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 8 1. R exotic Weapons, Weaponfocus Two Weapon Sword 2. R 3. R Dodge 4. R 5. R 6. R Mobility 7. R 8. R 9. R Expertise 10. R 11. R 12. R Spring Attack 13. R 14. R 15. R Whirlwindattack 16. WM 17. WM 18. WM Improved Critical 19. WM 20. WM 21. SD Epic Weapon Focus 22. WM 23. WM 24. R Bling Fight 25. R 26. R 27. SD Epic Skill Focus Parry 28. WM 29. WM 30. WM Improved Strengh 31. WM 32. WM 33. WM Improved Strengh, Armor Skin 34. WM 35. WM 36. R Knockdown 37. SD 38. R 39. R Bane of Enemies 40. WM Epic Provess Skills 4 Intimidate 43 Hide 43 Move Silently 40 Tumble 42 Parry rest to discipline, concentration, search... Ac unbuffed 62 Ab unbuffed 57/59 (favored Enemy) Moderate ab/ac, hips, and hasted 3 attacks in the first flow... What do you think about it? Title: Re: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: -firecracker- on 18 March 2013, 20:47 Don't forget you will need 4 intimidate points for WM.
Title: Re: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: Chaozrulez on 18 March 2013, 22:51 I have never used parry so did you run this through the tester?
You got more attacks which is good but I don't know if you can block a boss with this. Why don't go WM7/SD1 or 2 and dump the rest in Ranger to max out Aid/Blade Thirst/more feats? Title: Re: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: -firecracker- on 19 March 2013, 00:42 The changes to parry means 42 points will give you +6 ac (if I remember right it is 7points per 1 AC). It only works for duel wielding and ranger/rogue builds...and have to be a certain level.
Title: Re: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: NLawson on 19 March 2013, 01:14 Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this - it's been a LONG time since I played.
To tank a boss 1v1 you'd probably need somewhere around 80 ac (I remember doing pretty good with ac around that level, and someone to do the actual killing since I used imp expertise to get that high on the hitter I used), but that won't work against the more powerful ones - they have 75+ ab so ac alone just isn't enough unless you can push into the 90s, you also need either damage absorption, healing, concealment, or (ideally) all three. Your parry bonus from ranger will help, but you're limited to robes or light armour to keep your two-blader working. With 21 ranger I'm not sure how much of that parry bonus you'd get (I think most, if not all), but I'm fairly sure FC is right about the points. I don't know if Epic focus parry adds more to that or not, but I know for a fact that parrying in anything other than 1v1 (and with concealment) is suicide since you can only block 3 attacks per round so don't actually try to USE parry (if you have to engage parry mode to gain the ac, which I'm fairly sure you don't have to do, you'll just die against anything with good ab anyway). Even shadowdancer tanks (who have around 110 ac and about 80% concealment IIRC) have trouble making parry mode worthwhile. To hit a boss you want to be as close as possible to 70 ab, which is about the average for a powerful hitter build. You can get higher, but it needs a truly specialised build and usually comes with a crippling weakness (pitiful defences, debuff-fodder, and/or short duration and use limit for ab buffs, etc), so if you want just a general hitter you want to be aiming for 65 ab or better. I can't remember the buffs to blade thirst and aid, but at 57 unbuffed you should be able within that range for a decent time after buffing. Title: Re: Human Ranger 21 / WM 16 / SD 3 (two bladed-sword) Post by: grunaldo on 19 March 2013, 10:00 For 3 Rouge/Ranger levels and 7 points in Parry you get +1 AC when using double Weapons,also +1 for epic Skill focus parry.
A weapon Mater with a double weapon also gets an AC Bonus, at level 16 it was +6 i think. The WM levels give me also +2 to ab and 2 Bonus Talents. Aid gives a ranger at level 21 +2, i gives only +4 at Ranger level 32, thats equal to the 2+ from the WM. I tried to max the dual wield bonusses of Ranger and WM. |