Gondor vs Mordor

Gondor vs Mordor 1 => GvM1 Tactics => Topic started by: Clevar0ne on 03 May 2020, 00:41

Title: Old Man Willow - the Chicken-run tactic
Post by: Clevar0ne on 03 May 2020, 00:41
Do not dance with Old Man Willow.....

Needed -
1) one or 2 good sorcerers with IGMS and firebrands, etc.  No Fireballs as the reflex save is really high
2) Bait..  the Chicken

The chicken spawns Old Man Willow, and then runs like hell.  Sorcerers rain various horrible damage on him until he finally stops moving.  Make sure the chicken stays close enough so Old Man doesn't decide to chase down one of the spell casters, but not so close that he gets his hands on you.  

Wish my wyrmling shape was epic chicken........clucking noises would also be good

Title: Re: Old Man Willow - the Chicken-run tactic
Post by: GreyDeth on 01 November 2020, 19:01
Never did anything around this boss .... but chickens? close, but not too close?
sounds pretty difficult .... hope I can use this info though one day ... thnx for sharing!