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Author Topic: Rabbac's Rak  (Read 9086 times)
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« on: 24 January 2017, 20:55 »

I’ve had some interest in this build so here it is.. i’m of course doing this at work (i sent myself the spells!) i think this is right.. damn you I.T. department and your game site blocking!!

Is it a caster build? I don't know I would say speciality is soloing   Grin

Race: Gnome (hide, ms bonus and 1 AC) Alignment whatever you want.

Stats    Start 18 Wis 16 Con (or 15) Int 14 Dex 13 (for mobility, dodge) 8 Chr 6 Str
Finishing 25 Wis con for the rest

01: Druid(1) Alertness
02: Druid(2)
03: Druid(3) Dodge
04: Druid(4) WIS+1, (WIS=19)
05: Druid(5)
06: Druid(6) Mobility
07: Druid(7)
08: Druid(Cool WIS+1, (WIS=20)
09: Druid(9) Spell Focus: Transmutation
10: Druid(10)
11: Druid(11)
12: Shifter(1) WIS+1, Greater Spell Focus Transmutation, (WIS=21)
13: Shifter(2)
14: Shifter(3)
15: Shifter(4) Combat Casting
16: Shifter(5) WIS+1, (WIS=22)
17: Shifter(6)
18: Shifter(7) Max Spell
19: Shifter(Cool
20: Shifter(9) WIS+1, (WIS=23) * Top up Hide/MS and cross class 5 on tumble.
21: ShadowD (1): Armour Skin
22: Druid(12)
23: Druid(13)
24: Druid(14) WIS+1, Epic Skill Hide, (WIS=24)
25: Druid(15)
26: Druid(16)
27: Druid(17) Epic Skill Focus Move Silently
28: Druid(18) WIS+1, (WIS=25)
29: Druid(19)
30: Shifter(10) Outsider Shape (Finally) Top up on Hide/MS
31: Druid(20)
32: Druid(21) Con+1,
33: Druid(22) Spell Focus Abjuration
34: Druid(23)
35: Druid(24) Bonus Improved Combat Casting
36: Druid(25) Con+1, Great Spell Focus Abjuration
37: Druid(26)
38: Druid(27)
39: Druid(28) Bonus Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation, Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration
40: ShadowD(2): Con+1

Some points to note:

Rakshasa benefits - +8 Dodge AC, +5/15 Damage Reduction, Immunity to all level 1-8 spells, +5 Discipline/Search, +15 Spellcraft, +10 Hide/Move Silently, True Seeing, Greater Dispelling and Mestil's Acid Breath (you could focus in this but it’s slow to cast and you have to get close).

Your hide and MS are about 110 without kit bonuses come from Rak (+10) and Gnome and Camouflage and Mass Camouflage stack (+20), woodland stride.  
Icestorm cast at lvl 38 maxed and acid spell is handy for finishing Trolls!

Skills I took Concentration, Hide, MS, Tumble and you can cross class discipline but I don’t get that close 

I took transmutation and abjuration feats for the following buffs:


Aura of Vitality: Transmutation focus feats adds 5/6/8 to ability bonuses and adds 30/50/100 rounds to the duration

Barkskin: +8 Natural AC at level 25

Camouflage / Mass Camouflage - 10 is added to Hide skill and conceal 55%

Greater Stoneskin: Gives +5/20 Damage Reduction with an absorb amount of 10 * caster level - Transmutation focus feats increase these to: +6/10, 30 * caster level

Nature's Balance: Heals 3d8 Hit Points - Transmutation focus feats adds 2d8/2d8/4d8 Hit Points, Applies Clarity to those in Area of Effect, Spell Resistance bonus of 13 + d4 (caster level / 4)

One with the Land - Transmutation focus feats adds 6 to Animal Empathy, Hide, Move Silently, Search and Set Trap skills

Virtue - At caster level 31, caster gains 25 Hit Points per caster level over 30


Endure Elements - Grants 10/- vs Elemental Damage - Abjuration focus feats increase the absorb amount to 40/60/100 before collapsing

Energy Buffer - Grants 40/- vs Elemental Damage - Abjuration focus feats increase the absorb amount to 120/180/300 before collapsing

Protection from Elements - Gives 30/- Damage Resistance vs Elemental Damage
Abjuration focus feats increases the absorb amount to 50/70/110 before collapsing

Resist Elements - Gives 20/- Damage Resistance vs Elemental Damage - Abjuration focus feats increases the absorb amount to 50/70/110 before collapsing

Resistance - At caster level 31, caster gains 1 to Savings Throws per caster level over 30

Stoneskin - Gives +5/10 Damage Reduction with an absorb amount of 150 before collapsing - Abjuration focus feats increases these to:   +5/15, 150, +5/20, 200, +6/7, 200

**If you don’t want to take these you can pile on the constitution or you can bin one for the spell penetration feats but at 38 caster lvls does it matter?

AC maxes around 75 which isn’t too bad if they can’t hit you (like Wormtounge) you can just stand and spam hopefully standing next to Saruman 2 birds 1 stone! .

So far the drawbacks have been the Thrall who is immune and Dragons take forever but you get there in the end Elite archers tend to see you and those gorgoth things are immune.

Obviously this is a solo character although if you’re careful you can team up taking out archers etc or better still if there are 2 you can take turns hipsing and casting!

Kit I use are most important thing is a bigby ring then I have Sauraman’s robes and cloak, and anything that boosts con, hide, ms or physical damage such as piercing.  

Tactics for boss type areas are to lure (a couple at a time) and spam don’t try and tackle everyone at once although you probably can if they don’t have ts.  

A few tips for farming: Sauraman – go to the room on the right of the portal and hips and spam that lot.. go forward and lure the big guy (can’t remember what they are called) take him to the same place and hips and spam. Then go along the right hand wall and walk out just far enough that Wormtounge see’s you then back up to the wall till he comes, sometimes with Sauraman either take them to the corner or back to the room and get right up close to Sauraman can spam them both. Wormy rarely hits you and Sauraman only has a spell or two that can damage you. Standing close makes him cast his low level things like cones of cold ect buying you more time to kill him although you can just hips and heal and finish the job!

MT and Radagast – I’ve only done Radagast once but here’s how. MT gate get right up against the wall and spam the 4 guard types in the corner your trying to avoid the archers on the wall. Once they are done you should be able to cast on the wall which takes a while because of those damn healers! Once done do the other side, rebuff if you have to.

In the gates it’s just a case of spamming the 2 archers and whatever else is there you will kill them before they can do you. Rest, this is the tricky bit. Faramir and the archers are the only ones that can see you so run in and spam and run around till your health is looking about half. Faramir (and archers) can hit you but not often enough to worry about. Run through the transition if you have to sometimes the archers on the wall follow take them out. I’ve done this many times so it’s not too bad. The worst part is when you open the gates and they are all waiting behind it lol. Once you get the gate open you need to run back let them come hips and run through the gates hopefully leaving the peacekeepers on the other side and you inside! Then you just have to hips and kill the ones on this side and get up on the wall and kill the ones below. After that trauma it’s plain sailing… go up the right side of MT to killing the 2 archers at the gate to Radagast I think a couple of guards as well. It takes ages to open the gate but it does and watch out for any guards who just happen by.. hips and kill.

Once inside rest and get ready. Go up the left side of the map on DO NOT go near the middle you should see them spawn and wander around, whatever comes round the corner lure to the bottom of the map. The only thing that can see you are the archers and the dreaded eagle (best get him one on one and spam). Once the eagle is out the way the guards walk up and down lure them and hopefully last is Radagast if you do happen to get him sooner just lure him to the bottom where you won’t be disturbed. Radagast is strange, he sometimes casts spells but mostly just chases you with his staff either way he can’t see you so hips and spam.

Serpents – lure them in groups hips and spam. You can stand toe to toe with the serpent priest but take no chances with large groups he can see you.

The Black Gate – take out the archers on the gate before you go in. Once the gate is open lure out the gatekeeper and get him alone at the back of the map and spam him, he doesn’t do much damage no need to hips then mop up the rest. The only ones that give you trouble are the priestesses who keep healing each other! Once inside the towers it’s a hips and spam to kill the boss types.

Black Serpent. Lure and kill the dragons a pain but keep him away from the entrance and run upstairs and heal when you need to.

Sistra’s – lure and spam.

Dain – Lonely mountain – Lure and spam again the dragon outside is a pain 8 points per storm. He gets stuck easy so take advantage ;)

That’s all I can think of .. good luck and if you have any tips for farming to share please do. I’ve found that killing Mordor bosses is easier simply because Peligrar and Amonwhatever (can’t spell!) they are on top of you instantly boss and archers, Mordor side there is more space!

« Last Edit: 25 January 2017, 20:25 by radagast » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: 24 January 2017, 21:52 »

A damn good Rak indeed! +1
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« Reply #2 on: 24 January 2017, 23:34 »

Wheres that wraith build sky  wink

Already thinking that i might do an sd 10 druid 20 shifter 10 one.

Sacrificing 8 caster levels which is still 12d6 (rather than 15d6) but you get more hide/ms with shadow evade and epic dodge which toe to toe can be a lifesaver.. probably drop the abjuration feats and take toughness, epic dodge and stealth max out that hide!

I sure i did one of these but in parties used the Death Salad mainly as a meatshield.. not bad!

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« Reply #3 on: 25 January 2017, 15:20 »

There is one posted  Smiley
« Last Edit: 25 January 2017, 15:24 by Sky » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: 25 January 2017, 15:34 »

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« Reply #5 on: 26 January 2017, 22:18 »

Wow wow wow !!
This looks mighty great.
Thnx for explaining a lot and sharing this m8 !

Just Because I'm Paranoid Doesn't Mean They Are NOT After Me.
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« Reply #6 on: 27 January 2017, 21:00 »

High praise... thanks GreyD.. and thanks for keep this server running..

Couldn't believe the game is 14 Years old and the server can't be far behind.. i think it was one of a couple i used to play when i first started playing but always my favourite mainly due to the lively (being kind) forums and of course the characters over the years good and bad  wink

Made me feel old when someone the other day asked if i had been playing long on the server!! I was modest by saying 8 years.. probably more like 12-13!

Anyway i must admit i'm loving being back.. good to see some old faces and in the case of MShake some new, like me there is still life in the old dog yet!

Keep up the good work mate..  Grin

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« Reply #7 on: 30 January 2017, 22:00 »

Balgor's mino maze.

Just run through to the room before you reach Balgor's room invisible.

Hide and spam them then move on to Balgors.

A few steps in the first ones spawn, hips and cast them down the corridor and finish them off in the big room and repeat. Don't worry if Balgor follows just be careful not to get to near him as he crits for over 300 2 of them and your dead.

I've done him about 5 times and only got his crappy necklace... i did die once as i said don't get to close to him if you get him alone in the big room and spam and hide he doesn't get to near because he heads towards the corridor every time you re-hide  Smiley

Still looking for that damn axe!!!  Grin

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« Reply #8 on: 02 February 2017, 22:33 »

An alternative Rak with epic dodge.

Race: Halfling
Stats 16 Wis, 18 Dex, 14 Int

01: Druid(1) Alertness
02: Druid(2)
03: Druid(3) Dodge
04: Druid(4) Dex 19
05: Druid(5)
06: Shifter(1) Mobility
07: Shifter(2)
08: Shifter(3) Dex 20
09: Shifter(4) Combat Casting
10: Shifter(5)
11: Shifter(6)
12: Shifter(7) Stealthy, Dex 21
13: Shifter(Cool
14: Shifter(9)
15: Shifter(10) Blind Fighting
16: Shadowdancer(1) Dex 22
17: Shadowdancer(2)
18: Shadowdancer(3) Toughness
19: Shadowdancer(4)
20: Shadowdancer(5) Dex 23
21: Shifter(11): Grt Wis 17
22: Shifter(12)
23: Druid (6) Great Wis 18
24: Druid (7) Dex+1, (Dex=24)
25: Druid (Cool
26: Druid (9) Grt Wis 19
27: Druid (10)
28: Druid (11) Dex+1, (Dex=25)
29: Druid (12) Great Wis 20
30: Druid (13)
31: Druid (14)
32: Druid(15) Wis 21
33: Druid(16) Great Wis 22
34: Druid(17)
35: Shadowdancer(6)
36: Shadowdancer(7) Wis 23, Great Wis 24
37: Shadowdancer(Cool
38: Shadowdancer(9)
39: Shadowdancer(10) Epic dodge – Max Tumble Hide/MS
40: Shifter(13): Wis 25, *Outsider Shape

What you lose out on are 8 caster levels and although you still get your druid buffs (and most important max icestorm) they aren’t as powerful or long because of levels of druid and lack focuses . You lose out on epic skill focus hide/ms but gain from a better shadow evade and taking stealthy which brings it out about 110 with no hide kit.  You also don’t get improved combat casting but that rarely matters given you spam and hide you also loose armour skin.

What you gain is epic dodge, defensive roll and improved evasion, lvl 10 shadow evade (and couple of other freebies from SD) making this guy harder to hit. Another side benefit is that your deathsalad makes a semi-decent tank!

I know what you miss out on appears to be more than you gain but even hipsing you occasionally get stupid (Balagor hits for over 300!!) and a bit of lag can cost you, epic dodge is very effective.

The main drawback is that you don’t get either epic dodge or outsider shape till the end, you have to rely on your shapes and helpful companions!

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« Reply #9 on: 04 February 2017, 02:43 »

A slight adjustment on the above.. take max spell and drop stealthy.

Thanks Zoltar for pointing it out  Smiley


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« Reply #10 on: 29 December 2017, 01:15 »

Built this, cool dude! Bad in parties Smiley.

Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
The name ingame: http://www.thenoobcomic.com/daily/strip003.html
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« Reply #11 on: 01 January 2018, 15:45 »

Decent for soloing hfodf although some things like dragons take forever Smiley

What one you build epic dodge or non?

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« Reply #12 on: 01 January 2018, 17:36 »

Nah, the regular/normal one

Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
The name ingame: http://www.thenoobcomic.com/daily/strip003.html
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« Reply #13 on: 02 January 2018, 12:26 »

I made a my own version of the Rakshasa build around the time Rabbac made his.

I havent written down all the details, but in general I went like this:

Race: human


Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Wis: 16 (26)
Int: 14 (16)
Cha: 8

Feats pre epic:
Dodge, mobility, spell focus transmutation, greater spell focus transmutation, spell focus abjuration, combat casting, maximize spell, alertness

Feats after lvl 20:
Epic skill focus hide, epic skill focus move silently, epic spell focus transmutation, combat casting, outsider shape, greater spell focus abjuration, epic spell focus abjuration, spell focus conjuration, greater spell focus conjuration, epic spell focus conjuration, improved combat casting.

My reasoning: went 20 shifter, because shifter gets a bonus feat every 3 levels above 10, which makes it 13, 16 and 19. Could have gotten 19 shifter/19druid, but cant remember why I ended on 20 shifter. Outsider shape requires 25 wis, no point in going more than 26 because this build does not have monk lvls, and I needed more skillpoints. 18 lvls of shifter grants access to epic shifts which gives see invis, ultravision, improved invisibility and more.

All in all a different build.
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« Reply #14 on: 31 December 2019, 16:44 »

Not sure why but now i can't seem to cast max ice storm with this... it's been a loooong while since i built it so i'm not sure how i did it the first time but i've tried everything and while the caster levels add up if i try to cast max it says i can't and will only let me cast the normal one... any ideas?

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« Reply #15 on: 31 December 2019, 18:01 »

I believe all shifted forms no longer allow use of metamagic.

Rak, Spectre and a few other cool builds are essentially unusable nowadays.

I think, this is is linked to some EE patch/update.
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« Reply #16 on: 11 September 2020, 17:44 »

Well that sucks  Tongue

Now i need to start another farmer build

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« Reply #17 on: 30 December 2020, 15:17 »

Well seems that this build isnt dead after all.  Grin


I recently rebuilt it roughly the same but as a brownie (which is better than a halfling!) i barely noticed the lack of Max Ice Storm and you get Rak ALOT faster starting with 21 Wis. Given it's a pure Rak build theres nothing to put points into except Con after you hit your 25 Wis.

I was going to bin a lvl of SD cos 29 Druid gets an extra 1d6 cold but i wanted hips and the tumble dump earlier than 39ish its up to you.
I stuck Heavy Armour at 18 instead of Max Spell but you could choose whatever. Im pretty much wearing light stuff so it was a waste. Cos you have 28 druid caster levels focusing entirely on buffs i dont bother with magic feats like extended.

I dont know if spell penetration or specialising in evocation spells would help this build not being much for magic users but i might look into it. Cant think of a way to get the ac above 73ish but it doesnt matter anyway if im getting hit i hips (120 hide!) and heal and repeat seems effective.

Its my go to solo farmer build (stupid dragons!) but me an optimus with his multi-shifter got all the way into mordor and took out the spider thing so not bad with the right groups. (didnt think we would last 2 minutes!)

From lvl 21 with Rak just farm the graveyard non stop gets you to mid 30's easily and you can farm the boss guys for extra 10000 xp.

Anyway this is a bit off the top of my head because Mr Prime was asking about it but i think its right and the reasons and tactics above are still the same. You can pretty much take the feats (after 20) in any order to suit but remember you wont be able to take SD until you class cross the required skill points and you wont be able to take Epic Hide/MS till they are 10 (I cross classed them and still had skill points left over.

Stats    21 Wis, 16 Con, 14 Int, 15 Dex, 13 Chr, 5 Str
Finishing 25 Wis con for the rest

01: Druid(1) Alertness
02: Druid(2)
03: Druid(3) (dodge was free from brownie) Mobility
04: Druid(4) WIS+1, (WIS=22)
05: Druid(5)
06: Druid(6) Combat Casting
07: Druid(7)
08: Druid(Cool (WIS+1, (WIS=23)
09: Druid(9) Spell Focus: Transmutation
10: Druid(10)
11: Druid(11)
12: Shifter(1) WIS+1, Greater Spell Focus Transmutation, (WIS=24)
13: Shifter(2)
14: Shifter(3)
15: Shifter(4) Stealthy
16: Shifter(5) WIS+1, (WIS=25)
17: Shifter(6)
18: Shifter(7) Heavy Armour/Toughness i suppose you could an Abjuration here freeing up an epic Feat
19: Shifter(Cool
20: Shifter(9) Con+1, (Con=18) * Top up Hide/MS to 10 and cross class 5 on tumble.
21: Shifter (10): Outsider Shape
22: Druid(12)
23: Druid(13)
24: Druid(14) Con+1, Epic Skill Hide, (Con=17)
25: Druid(15)
26: Druid(16)
27: Druid(17) Epic Skill Focus Move Silently
28: Druid(18) Con+1, (Con=18)
29: Druid(19)
30: SD (1) Armour Skin Top up on Hide/MS and tumble
31: Druid(20)
32: Druid(21) Con+1, (con 19)
33: Druid(22) Spell Focus Abjuration
34: Druid(23)
35: Druid(24) Bonus Improved Combat Casting
36: Druid(25) Con+1, (con 20) Great Spell Focus Abjuration
37: Druid(26)
38: Druid(27)
39: Druid(28) Bonus Epic Spell Focus: Transmutation, Epic Spell Focus: Abjuration
40: ShadowD(2): Con+1 (22)

Skill points max Hide/MS, tumble and Concentration, I think i took 20 discipline and topped out on search.

Kit wise.. anything that helps hide/ms .. max dex and con items, some piercing resistance.

AND given you can only be hit with lvl 9 spells something for bigbys crushing and power word kill and your good to go  Grin

Weaknesses are only things immune to Icestorm (still bludgeon though) and the occassional KD and TS can be a pain. The main reason I get killed is complancency thinking i can get a few more icestorms off before i hips/heal... REMEMBER SLOPPINESS IS A KILLER Smiley I'm off for a lie down now!
« Last Edit: 30 December 2020, 16:04 by radagast » Logged

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