Barbarian's rage:
Normal rage : +1 ab, +1 attack, -2 AC, some move speed increase
Greater rage (at lvl 15): +3 ab in total , +3 attacks(total), -4 AC
Thundering Rage: (+3 ab total) +1 extra attack (+3 from greater), -4 AC (total), +2d8 sonic damage, +2d12 mass crits. (no aura effect)
Terrifying Rage: (+3 ab total) +1 extra attack (+3 from greater), -4 AC (total), +20 taunt, the aura does like -4 ab or something...
(I m not too sure of the move speed, i think it's like +20% move speed)
Mighty Rage: no added extra attacks, but it adds whatever rage feat effect u took, such as thundering or terrifying, or both, but does extra -6 AC, so -10 ac in total, but it gives +5 ab (to stack greater rage and mighty rage ab, u must cast mighty first, then greater to get total +8 ab). and perhaps 30% move speed in total... im not sure but it seems faster than other rage.
+1 attack
+1ab / 2 caster lvls
Spell failure
some str and dex buff, 2d4?
+5 to their fortitude saving throws
+1d6 additional hit points per caster level.
I think barb>tensers!