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A good scythe build
Topic: A good scythe build (Read 11167 times)
Posts: 122
A good scythe build
24 July 2009, 06:17 »
As it states above, I am looking for a good scythe user build or tips on how to make one. Is it possible to be able to get a decent AC with them? Or should I just go and see how high of an AB I can get for them? I've been curious how to make a half decent one for while now but when I saw Terrorbles scythe guy it got me to finally ask.
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
GvM1 Admin
Posts: 765
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #1 on:
24 July 2009, 07:59 »
My guy is poor to horrible in all but damage and AB. Damage is enormous and AB is decent.
If you actually want something that can get AC then you need to consider something like a cleric/monk or something with PM/RDD or that uses divine shield.
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #2 on:
24 July 2009, 15:37 »
Hm.... alright I'll look into that. I was also curious about making him a DEX guy to. Is it worth it to put that many points of dex into him? Because you would have to put a lot to make it worth it overall.
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 263
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #3 on:
24 July 2009, 16:45 »
A good scythe build that I like is 26bard/4bg/10rdd
Posts: 254
Aka Fellelves
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #4 on:
24 July 2009, 18:12 »
look into the barb bard pm builds
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #5 on:
24 July 2009, 22:02 »
Well, I just thought of making a 15 cleric/ 15 Bard/ 10 RDD. Only problem is that I can't hit the 16 mark for BAB before 20. Any ideas?
-EDIT: Someone told me that the Cleric spell Divine Power raises your BAB instead of just your AB. Is this true? And if so then is it possible to get 3 extra attacks from the spell if it raised your BAB at 16 or above and you had enough charisma for 2 extra attacks?
-2nd EDIT: Hm, I have created a scythe build that I believe is rather good. I'll post it up here so that you guys can all see it.
Stats: Start/Finish
STR: 12/28
DEX: 8
CON: 12/16
WIS: 16
INT: 10/12
CHA: 16/18
Skill Points: Max out: Perform/Taunt
Tumble 40/UMD 20/ Concentration: High 20's low 30's (Dump Skill points)
For level 4 and 8, put the stats into constitution making it 14.
Leveling: 1-4 Cleric/5 Bard/6-15 RDD/16-26 Cleric/27-40 Bard.
1) Blindfight, Toughness
3) Weapon Proficiency: ExoticWeapon Focus: Scythe
6) Weapon Focus: Scythe
9) Power Attack
12) Improved Critical: Scythe
15) Extend Spell
18) Divine Shield
21) Divine Power
24) Epic Weapon Focus: Scythe
27) Curse Song
30) Extra Music
33) Armor Skin
36) Epic Skill Focus: Taunt
39) Epic Prowess
BAB: 26
HP (+12 CON): 600's, maybe 700's
AC (Unbuffed, with all +6 stuff): 55
AB (+12 STR, with a +5 Scythe): 47/32/37
AC (Buffed with all +6 stuff): 75
AB (Buffed with +5 scythe): 72/67/62/Haste/DP/DP (It might be less with the change of spells and all. I got War Cry, Battletide, Divine Power, Divine Favor, Prayer, Bless, Aid, War Domain, Bard Song, Strength Domain.)
With Taunt and Curse Song I dunno what his effective AB with be, but I'm guessing high 70's low 80's. So.... did I do this all right? What do you think of it?
Last Edit: 25 July 2009, 15:01 by nwnolan
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 402
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #6 on:
25 July 2009, 03:02 »
Cleric31/wm7/sd2 with divine might/shield would get mid 60's ab and 7 attacks. Favor(5), Battletide(2), Might(10) would equate to 17 irresistible damage on non crits and 85 on crits.
Get the WM-only ring to drop from the Corsair Captain (5 SHIELD AC on it) and you can actually get about 74ish ac with decent gear and Divine Shield up for 10 rounds at a time.
Don't go dex btw. Start at 14 and leave it there. You can buff base dex to 26 to get +8ac, which just happens to be the dex limit on padded armors anyways. There are a couple sets of good leather or medium armors that i have seen.
War/travel domains. Travel for haste, War for Aura of Vitality, Cat's Grace, and the War Domain Power which is uber.
Final str on this build I think is something like 36 buffed (+13).
Damage with a NORMAL +5 scythe while fully buffed would be...
1-8 base
+5 enhancement
+19 str modifier
+1 prayer
+5 favor
+2 battletide
+10 might
+7 war domain
50-57 on a base hit
250-285 on a crit
Then of course add in the elemental and massive crit bonuses that you get from whichever scythe you are using.
7 attacks...would average about 1900 damage per round if all 7 hits score crits with just a plain +5 scythe.
Posts: 402
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #7 on:
25 July 2009, 03:06 »
The only other build I would recommend for a scythe would be Bard23/wm7/pm10. Ab would be fairly low at like 53 fully buffed but you also get curse/taunt. Still would have to go for the Corsair Captain ring to get good ac though.
Posts: 253
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #8 on:
25 July 2009, 06:26 »
Quote from: nwnolan on 24 July 2009, 22:02
-EDIT: Someone told me that the Cleric spell Divine Power raises your BAB instead of just your AB. Is this true? And if so then is it possible to get 3 extra attacks from the spell if it raised your BAB at 16 or above and you had enough charisma for 2 extra attacks?
Stop talking to crazy people. Divine power simulates raising your combat stats as if you were a fighter - originally, the script is now changed. Originally, if you had 15 BAB on a cleric, you would gain an extra attack at your highest AB (which is actually better than a full 20 BAB because that attack is at -15 AB).
Currently, the spell will give you extra attacks depending on your charisma. So yes, if you already have 4 attacks per round, and 30+ charisma, you will have 6 attacks after divine power - 7 with haste.
ROFLCOPTR at the pumping DEX idea for a scyther. One of my favorite memories on this server was the day some random guy came onto the server and started talking about how good he was at the game and basically bragged for 30 minutes. For some reason the subject came to scythers, and he claimed to have a build for a DEX scyther that was "stable". I laughed so hard when I read "stable", and I told him "I don't look for 'stable', I look for ass-kicking." or something to that effect.... ah, thanks for making me laugh again.
Good luck with the scyther, I wouldn't look too had into AC if I were you. The whole point of taking a double handed weapon is to kill stuff faster, and then whole penalty is decreased AC..... unless you play servers like DeX where they want everyone to be a monk with devastating critical and a greatsword........
I recommend trying to find ways to make your damage insane and fast... cleric is great for this, so is weaponmaster. Then go blow stuff to pieces and hope they don't do it to you first.
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #9 on:
25 July 2009, 06:31 »
Hm yeah I noticed that with them. Uh, what about the build I have posted like 4 posts above? I don't think he can hit 74 since theres a +20 cap. but even then, 67 isnt too bad without taunt and curse song.
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 402
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #10 on:
25 July 2009, 14:33 »
You have 5 cleric levels, 5 bard levels, and 10 rdd levels pre-epic. That build is so broke I don't even know what to say
But just because, i will..
13 BAB - lvling scheme is completely off the wall
15 str
5 weap enhancement
4 weap foci/prowess
5 favor
2 bard song
1 bless
1 aid
2 warcry
4 war domain
Just some notes from a semi-experienced builder here.
You would get dispelled constantly
You would have to rest constantly
15 cleric lvls with 12 TOTAL wisdom is even more useless than max'd perform for 15 bard levels
Reconfiguring the pre-epic levels into sets of 4 would get you 2 more ab
This build gains 8 str, 2 con, and 2 wisdom without any epic feats. How?
I'm just.....yeah, wow
Ok, now I feel bad for arguing with you at all..
Last Edit: 25 July 2009, 14:47 by pinkpuff
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #11 on:
25 July 2009, 14:53 »
haha well now I feel like an idiot.
I just realized I switched the intelligence and wisdom. it should be Wisdom 16 and Intelligence 12. Also howcome that it's only 53? The base AB with a +5 Scythe and +12 strength is 47... Also, for the build above mine you put, howcome you went SD on it? And lastly, he's and RDD so I'm including those buffs in there because they are the base part of the stats. and why is it only 13 BAB at 20? they get 3/4..... and found another error should be cleric 16-26.
EDIT- Proper changes have been made.
Last Edit: 25 July 2009, 15:00 by nwnolan
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 246
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #12 on:
25 July 2009, 15:08 »
Quote from: pinkpuff on 25 July 2009, 14:33
You have 5 cleric levels, 5 bard levels, and 10 rdd levels pre-epic. That build is so broke I don't even know what to say
But just because, i will..
13 BAB - lvling scheme is completely off the wall
15 str
5 weap enhancement
4 weap foci/prowess
5 favor
2 bard song
1 bless
1 aid
2 warcry
4 war domain
The Bab at 40 would be 23 with his posted build, not 13 (13 would be pre-epic). With all those buffs, it would be 62 ab. It would be impossible to keep all those buffs up for any sort of extended period of time though; given the dispellability, short durations of buffs, and only decent ab, I definitely couldn't see myself playing the build as is.
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #13 on:
25 July 2009, 15:10 »
Yeah I know I'm not happy with the fact of being dispelled. How is it that you can make a good hitter with good AB and not become a cleric? There spells just make a world of difference.
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 246
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #14 on:
25 July 2009, 15:15 »
Check your messages :p. I sent you something a little earlier.
Posts: 51
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #15 on:
25 July 2009, 19:19 »
Same problem here as in the AA thread. You're buying "expensive" stats at character creation (wis and cha 15,16) and spending your lvling stats on "cheap" stats (str and con 13,14). Instead, start with str,con,wis,cha all at 14. The lvling stat-ups will go: str+6, wis+2, cha+2. Now you have 4 free points during creation for str/int/whatever.
Supposing it goes into str (start with 16), you'll end up with 63ab, or 65 if you fix up the levelling order. Yes they're all 3/4 progression, but the "blank" level comes at 1,5,...(1mod4 levels) so you have to take them in blocks of 4.
Including the curse song makes it effectively 69ab, which is really good. Well, we all knew that this level spread (clr15/bard15/rdd10) does that, since it basically stuffs all the party buffs into 1 build. Problem is it's a solo build since it can't take any more buffs(+20 capped), the 15 bard levels are useless once a proper bard shows up, and the cleric buffs are too easily dispelled. I wouldn't recommend a solo low-AC build unless you're looking for the lolz. For party friendlier ones see what puff posted.
Last Edit: 25 July 2009, 19:51 by BaaRamYou
Posts: 122
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #16 on:
25 July 2009, 21:27 »
Hm.... Well one thing is for sure I've got a lot to learn if I'm gonna be a decent builder.
All's fair in Improved Invisibility and killing.
Posts: 402
Re: A good scythe build
Reply #17 on:
26 July 2009, 00:09 »
Can we move this post to the regular builds thread? This one is for actual builds.
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